Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Response To The Past Week

one instant, sameness...the next, chaos

all that was upside down

where I once ran for comfort, I now must give

what used to be secure is no more

treasures quickly slipping through fingers

changes occurring swiftly...can't keep up

mind is swirling...thoughts rapidly form, and just as quickly, disappear

no time to reminisce what once was

no knowing for what will be

stuck in a moment of harsh change

heart beating wildly, muscles tense, gut wrenching

time not waiting for me to catch up

mind grasping for things recognizable

too much unfamilar territory, beyond comprehension

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.
2 Chronicles 20: 12b


  1. I love how you pour your heart out. So raw and so good.

  2. Beautiful friend. Rapid change I do not like. Prayers for you that you may see peace in your storm.
