Friday, December 10, 2010

My 100 Joys: 26- 28

Yesterday's joys:

26 - The girls and I went to see my niece in the Birmingham Children's Theater's production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It's always a delight to watch her perform. I cried through yesterday's production. I'm devoting an entire post to the reason why. Stay tuned...(I've gotta find some time to sit down and organize my thoughts).

27 - I went to the library and checked out some Christmas books to read! Nothing gets me in the mood for Christmas like reading a good book. (Granted, this joy came after paying $27 in late fees! How does that happen?!? I guess it has something to do with that whole procrastination-thing I suffer from!)

28 - I said good-bye to a friend from choir I'd known for about two years. I found joy in that because I know he's in heaven, and I'll see him again one day. I never told him, but he's one of the people who gave me courage to write publicly. Mickey Walker was very creative, and writing was just one of his talents. Before I ever met him, I saw a poem he'd posted on a mutual friend's Facebook page. He also included a link to a website where he frequently posted his writings. I sent him a message, asking him more about the website and how to get involved. He kindly sent me an invitation to join the site, and I've been writing consistently ever since. I wish I'd taken the opportunity to tell him how he inspired me. Thank someone today who inspires you!

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