Monday, November 15, 2010

The Name of Jesus

It's been a yucky day. It's been rainy and cold all day in Birmingham, Alabama. (For those of you who don't know, I like sunny, warm weather.) My children haven't been minding well lately, especially today. I'm starting to feel the overwhelmingness (is that a word??...) that comes with the onset of the holidays. I haven't been sleeping well due to my husband's newly-developed snoring habit; therefore, I am tired and grumpy. I've dealt with guilty-mom syndrome all day. My knee has hurt all day from falling off a ladder Saturday evening, so I haven't been able to run (which is usually my way of relaxation and release). It's been an all-around yucky kind of day.

So I stole some time to just sit at the computer with the earphones in to listen to some worship songs while I read some passages from Psalms. Then I dove right on into some Christmas music! I listened to Natalie Grant's, David Phelps's, Celtic Woman's and Josh Groban's versions of O Holy Night. One line kept sticking in my mind:

in His name all oppression shall cease.

How true! As I listened to songs about Jesus, I noticed a change in my demeanor. I started to relax. My grumpiness dwindled. My mom-guilt disappeared.

The very name of Jesus is power. Healing power. Restorative power. Changing power. Take-a-deep-breath-and-relax power.

Why didn't this occur to me at 9 a.m. today? I probably would've had a much better day.

Tomorrow's agenda: start the day with Jesus. Ending it with Him is good, but I know starting it with Him is much better!


  1. Amen! I have been convicted lately to start the day with Jesus, instead of ending it with Him. I'm not a morning person, and it seems my kids keep waking me up in the middle of the night trying to deter me from time alone with Him. Mommyhood. Keep trying to do it better with Him tomorrow.

  2. Girl, I am gonna go take your advice!!
