Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another Black Friday

Well, my favorite day of the year has come and gone: Black Friday.

Looking at my purchases, I didn't score any fabulous deals. But it was a priceless day. Priceless because I spent the day with my favorite Black Friday shopping buddy! We've shopped together for the past 7 or 8 years.

Every year we recount past Black Fridays. We talk about the longest line we've ever stood in. We remember parking strategies. We discuss how the crowds aren't what they used to be. We talk about the changes in our gift-buying strategies. We remember past purchases, and discuss how the lists have changed with family changes. Every year is a new adventure for us.

Although I was sick and exhausted this year, we still had fun. We were standing in line to get into Target at 4 a.m. We passed all the crazies with shopping carts, and wiggled our way through the crowds to grab the items on our lists. Once again, we made memories...the kind of memories that are always more fun in retrospect. (Let's face it...it gets exhausting racing the masses to get one of the "limited quantities.")

All in all, another great Black Friday with a great friend. Looking forward to next year, Natalie!

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