Thursday, September 9, 2010

End of summer??

I love summer. I love that it's schedule-free and that the kids spend most of their days playing with friends. I spent the summer dreading the start of school.

One week before school was scheduled to start, we made the decision to homeschool. I gave homeschooling a lot of thought last year, but didn't have the nerve to do it. And, I didn't plan on doing it this year. And, before last year, I would've told you that homeschooling wasn't even an option for me. I liked my freedom a little too much.

But, the more hectic life became last year, and the more homework the girls had, the more I started to consider homeschooling as an option. We were tired ALL the time. And, of course, there was the issue of sending my children to a government institution where I had no say in what they were learning.

So...I prayed over two days, and God led me to the homeschooling process. I was a nervous wreck! But God has supplied! And, we LOVE it! We're not overscheduled or overworked. We get plenty of rest. And, believe it or not, the girls still have friends to play with. The best part is knowing that my children are being taught by one of the two people who love them more than anyone (next to God). And, they are being taught Christian values in every aspect of their educations.

Summer seems to have lingered a longer at our home this year. We get schoolwork finished early, and we get to spend our afternoons in lazy, summer fashion. And, this year, I don't dread fall and "shorter days" quite as much.

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