Friday, May 11, 2012

My Prayer In the Valley

From what I read and hear, it seems that Christians pray more often during difficult times than in good times. The idea is when people have a reason to be desperate, they cry out to God. When they feel things are under control, they don't need to pray. I've always wondered about that because the opposite is true for me. When life is sailing along smoothly, I find it easy to pray and be thankful, to pray for others. But when I'm walking {sometimes crawling} through the valley, I don't want to pray.

I think it goes back to the deep-rooted concept I held for so long that if something is wrong, it must be because God is angry with me and no longer loves me. I must've done something to deserve His punishment.

I now know that God loves me no matter what, that He is always working for my good and His glory. Still, old habits die hard. My first instinct is to believe God has removed Himself from my situation and is waiting for me to clean it up. That couldn't be further from the truth. He's the one who gets down in the valley with me to lift me out. Still prayer doesn't come easily when I need to be praying most. I often utter, Help me. Maybe that's all I really need to pray anyway. God doesn't need a list of reasons why I need His help; He already knows. And He's already waiting to rescue me.

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. (Psalm 40:1-2, NIV)


  1. Guess this is why you and I get along so well. Same realizations. I love you to the moon and back and am so thankful that you are my aunt.

    1. I love you too!! You are an amazing woman, and I am so proud of you!

  2. Wow. Thanks for sharing this. I'm crawling through that valley at the moment, and prayer doesn't come easily. Am trying to surround myself with praying friends, and am learning that I don't need to be praying long prayers, but that God already knows my cries. He will carry me.x

    1. Anon- A friend recently told me that even when we can't pray for ourselves, Jesus is interceding for us. I guess I hadn't ever thought of that before. Hope it helps you to know that today! Praying He lifts you out of the valley, gives you a firm place to stand, and puts a new song in your mouth!
